demikian halnya kebahagiaan dan penderitaan,
yang segera lenyap setelah digores.
Semoga aku tidak melekat pada kebahagiaan,
semoga aku tidak melekat pada penderitaan,
semoga aku bathinku senantiasa teduh dan damai.
Semoga aku selalu ingat,
bahwa semua ini hanya mimpi dan ilusi,
yang segera lenyap ketika aku tersadar.

Exactly, when you woke up, what kind of reality do you up to? Nice poem though... :D
Because I haven't wake up yet, so I don't know what kind of reality I will face later... Thanks for your comment... ^^
Btw, are you Fauzia?
Of course I am, Bang! I used to leave a comment as "anonymous" remember? This time I wont do that anymore.. Anyway, for your great interest of living after death, I recommend U the best movie that might suit you. Hella, you have to watch Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street! Dun know why I'm saying this, but watching it made me remember you a lot.. :)
I don't have that much interest about live after death... I have interest in how to be happy... That's all... ^^
But, seriously have you watched it? I'm not making myself good in compliment you, am I?
Maybe later I will watch it... because "sudah mau UTS"...
And thx for your compliment. I won't judge anyone's compliment by the goodness of the word. But by the sincere they put in it... ^^
Udah tau juga sih, entah mengapa tadi pagi pas gw denger Trax FM yg lage ke Binus ktnya lo orang bru mau UTS minggu dpn...
Minggu depan? Hr Jumat ini kalee... Thx for the spirit!!! ^^
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