Wednesday, November 26, 2014


In today's rainy weather, I just remember an old event with a dear pal...

I used to fond of collecting photos. Every event, if I could, I would collect its photo.

(P = Pal, M = Me)

P : Why are you really fond of collecting photo?
M : Don't you want to look at them again one day? And remember some past event in life?
P : Nope... I think I don't really fond about memories or something like that...
P : Even I seldom re-look the photos in my posession...
P : I don't know, but seems like I don't really fond of "memories" things...
M : ... (Continue copying photo. I just don't know how to reply at that moment)

Well, today after remembering this kind of event, thoughts running in my mind...
I think that pal of mine haven't experience loss... Especially loss of someone close... Or maybe if he ever experienced it, it's not really often...

After all, for me, the memory of determination and kindness is important in our darkest hours.

If we could remember our determination, it would keep us moving when we experience desperation.
If we could remember kindness shown to us, it would keep ud kind amidst the curelty.
If we could remember love shown to us, it would keep us sane in the insane situation.

So, are memories important? Not everytime... We won't create anything by daydreaming all days about old memories anyway...
But sometimes, we must look back.
In memories, we might find courage, kindness, and firmness.
So we could find a light to walk straight, and we won't become the person we hate in our old days...

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