Friday, December 7, 2018

Blessings from Magical City

We born alone, we live alone, we die alone.
Both happiness and sorrow, we experience it alone;
no one can feel what we actually feel...

Within this magic city called samsara,
illusions of beauty and ugly is conjured.

The magic of meeting ease our loneliness;
the magic of parting makes us want stay within this magical city.

Lacking of inherent nature,
both love and hatred dancing,
changing and rotating perpetually.

Soon, every memories of pain and happiness,
will become nothing more than a distant memories.

And thus, every expectation, hope, and fear,
will become nothing more than unreachable future.

Upon this sorrow, I write this words.

Within this endless cycle of birth and death,
and unending loneliness,
I pray that everyone could find happiness,
both temporary and eternally...

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